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  • Writer's pictureCorissa

Dinner table.

It's constant everyday.

Being a mom of 5 means never sitting down.

The weeks seem to just fly by anymore.

Wake up and rush.

Get each kid out of the door.

Feed the baby in the meantime.

Can't forget myself.

Drop one off.

Get to work.

Realize you're still in your house slippers.

Hit up the nearest dollar store for their latest trending shoe.

Now you’re late.

You work and the whole time your mind is thinking of every possible thing it could, because you're mom right?

Get off work.

Pick up baby.

Make it home in time to get Alex off the bus.

Let the dog out.

Wait for sisters to get off the bus.

Snack time.


What's for dinner?

Feed the baby.

Don't forget the laundry.

Oh shit, it's 5:00.

Pick up the oldest from practice.

Cook dinner.

"Mom, mom, mom, mom"….. (moms reading this understand)


More homework.

Referee a fight, or 11 of them.

Clear the table…

Dinner is ready.

I'm the last to sit down.

I just look around at everyone first.

This is it.

For at least an hour it all stops.

Take a breather.

It's the one time we all sit down together.

The laughs.

The conversations we have.

My favorite is when we go around the table and say our highs and lows of the day.

Sometimes dinner turns into a 3 hour pow wow.

Either way this is my favorite part of the day.

Even if I have to tell someone to close their mouth while they chew one more time.

Everyday is so busy.

I feel like its rushed.

By the end of the day it seems like time just flew.

And the other night I was laying in bed, thinking.

Regretting the time I didn’t spend with them.

Mad at myself for not doing everything that needed done.

Mad because I yelled too many times.

I thought of something funny one of the kids had said at dinner that night.

We all laughed so hard.

My oldest came home with his first heartbreak so when we first sat down he didn’t even want to eat.

My rule is you still have to sit there with us whether you eat or not.

I was in a mood that day too for whatever reason.

That joke broke the ice.

Nobody left the table without a smile on their face.

The more I thought about it I realized that 95% of our dinners are like that.

That every dinner we have is just us being us.

Some of the most important conversations we've had have occurred at the dinner table.

I spend so much time thinking we don't get enough time, but that table saves us.

Even when we don't eat dinner we sit around that table just shooting the shit.

May not be 7 days of the week, but at least 5 of them we are there.

Sitting all around each other.

After we eat, its bath time for some and then bedtime.

The day is over just like that.

We wake up and do it all over again.

Every single day.

So it doesn’t matter how busy the day is.

What's going on.

What needs to be done.

If mom and dad had to work that day.

How late the game was.

It doesn't matter if the day was good or bad.

If I can do one thing for my kids, it's that no matter what, they can always count on a meal.

Sitting around with their family at the dinner table.

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